Friday 16 December 2016

Begalan As A Traditional Custom Of Banyumas

Begalan As A Traditional Custom Of Banyumas

            Begalan is the traditional custom of Banyumas. It generally is done by the bride’s parents for the first time in doing wedding “mbarang gawe” . So, it is not doubt that the Begalan groups are also often perform out of Banyumas. Begalan exists since hundreds years ago. The history of Begalan has been adhered in Banyumas culture.
            There are some versions of Begalan history in Banyumas. There is a Banyumas history that Begalan was exist since Adipati Wirasaba era that at that time had a daughter, Dewi Sukesi, who was marrying with the son of Banyumas adipati called  Tirtakencana prince that happened on 19 century.
            Begalan is done as a wedding sequence in Banyumas. It is usually done when the bride and bride groom are the first and the last child, especially if it is from the bride. By Banyumas people belief, Begalan is a “krenah” requisite that must be done as an important requisite.
            Begalan is not only an art and tradition because in the dialog of Begalan consists of moral and religion value for the bride and bride groom. Begalan consists of ilir, kukusan, kendil, rice, and others kitchen stuffs. It has each value of each item. There are two actors in Begalan that explain the meaning of each kitchen stuff as a prayer to the God for the bride and bride groom in order to be sakinah, mawadah, and warohmah family or to be an eternal family, “Kaya Mimi lan Mintuna nganti Kaken-kaken Ninen-ninen”.
            The origin meaning of Begalan is from “begal” that stand for ‘rob” and suffix –an. It is an attraction that represents the person who brings stuffs and then come the robber robs the stuff in the middle of road. The attraction is followed by gendhing from Banyumas and conversation between the robber and the person who brings stuffs with joke, satire, and religious advice to the spectator. The gendhing is played in cheer and dynamic rhythm.
            Then, they are getting bandying words and joke fighting while explaining the meaning of the stuffs that the Begalan actor brings. That the robber starts robbing the stuffs form the person who brings stuffs in the “brenong kepang”. This is the moment that the spectator waiting for because they can take stuffs from the Begalan actors. They believe that it can bring blessing from the God.

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