Saturday 3 December 2016

What is Grammar translation Method?

1. What is grammar translation method?
2. What are advantages and unadvantages of the use of the grammar translation method in the Indonesian context?

1. Grammar Translation Method is a method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin.
2. Advantages and Unadvantgaes:
a. advantages:
     1. Students will have a good reading and writing skills, because they are focused on texted communication.
     2. Students will get good knowledge from teacher because when students have wrong, the teacher will give the correct answer.
     3. Students will have good skill in translation one language into another    language.
     4. Students will have many vocabularies, as they have to remember many words.
     5. Students will understand well about grammar, because they will get used to rule their grammar.
     6. Students will have a good memories about material.
    7. Students will be more creative and attractive, because they have many vocabularies.
     8. Students will have a good skill in grammar, at least, improving their grammar, because they have to remember when they should use grammar.

 b. Disadvantages
     1. Students will do not have a good enough listening and speaking skills, because they are preferred to have written or texted communication.
     2. Students will not to be active, because they just focus on reading and writing.
     3. Students will feel bored, because Indonesian students prefer to having direct communication, not indirect communication.
     4. The students will have not good enough in pronunciation, because they are focused on grammar and vocabulary..
     5. Students will just follow the teacher’s role, because teacher has an authority in classroom.
     6. Students will depend on memorizing, not analyzing and implementing.
     7. Students will have a little interaction each other.
     8. Students will be too much relied on the teacher’s correction, as they will think that the teacher’s correction is always right.

     9. Students will be less communicative, because they are focused on reading.

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