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I blew myself a bubble
That was bigger than myself
And I floated up inside it
To the top-most shelf,
In the first stanza is written I blew myself a bubble/That was bigger than myself/And I floated up
inside it/To the top-most shelf. I
means pers pron used by a speaker or
writer to refer to himself. ( Hornby,
1948:420). Blow means move along ,
flow as a current of air ( Hornby, 1948:89). Blew is past form of blow. Myself
means without help (Hornby, 1948:559). I
blew myself means a speaker or writer move along, flow as a current of air.
A means cf some, any, several, a few with plnn ( Hornby,
1948:1). Bubble means floating ball
formed of liquid and containing air or gas ( Hornby, 1948:109). A bubble means some, any, several
floating ball formed of liquid and containing air or gas. I blew myself a bubble means that the speaker or writer move along,
flow as a current of air, with some floating ball formed of liquid and
containing air or gas. That means
adj, pron ( contrasted with this, these (Hornby, 1948:894). Is means be, (Hornby, 1948:451). Was is the past form of is. Big
means of large size, extent, capacity, importance (Hornby, 1948:80). Bigger means the comparative degree of size with
other thing. That was bigger means the
comparative degree of size with other thing of large size, extent, capacity,
importance, the comparative degree with other things contrasted with this, these
be big. Than means introducing the
second part of comparison (Hornby,
1948:893). Myself means without help
(Hornby, 1948:559). Than myself means
introducing myself as the second part of comparison without help. That was bigger than myself means the comparative
degree of size with myself of large size, extent, capacity, importance, the
comparative degree with other things contrasted with this, these of big. And means connecting the words, clauses,
sentences ( Hornby, 1948:29). I means
pers pron used by a speaker or writer
to refer to himself ( Hornby, 1948:420).
Float means be held up in air, gas or
on the surface in liquid; move with moving liquid or air ( Hornby, 1948:329). Floated is past form of float. Up means to or an erect or vertical position
(Hornby,1948:945). And I floated up means a speaker or writer be held up in air , gas or on the surface of
liquid; move with moving liquid or air to or an
erect or vertical position. Inside
means inner side or surface; part(s) within (Hornby, 1948:440). It means used of lifeless things, of
animal ( when sex is unknown or unimportant), and of a baby or small child when
the sex is unknown or a matter of indifference (Hornby, 1948:452). Inside it means inner side or surface;
part(s) of lifeless things. And I floated
up inside I mean that the speaker is held up in air, move with moving air
to vertical position inner side or surface part(s) of lifeless things. To means in the direction of ( Hornby,
1948:908). The means used as a less specific form of this, these, that, those,
applied to person(s), thing(s), vent(s), etc already referred to or being
discussed. Top-most means adj highest
(Hornby:1948:912). Shelf means flat,
rectangular piece of wood, metal, glass, or other material, fastened at right angles to a wall or in a cupboard, bookcase,
cabinet, etc. (Hornby:1948:788). To the
top-most shelf means the direction of things, persons, or events highest,
flat rectangular piece of wood, metal, glass, or other material, fastened at
right angles to a wall. Thus, this stanza depicts that the speaker or writer
move along, flow as a current of air, with some floating ball formed of liquid
and containing air or gas that this large of size bigger than myself as the
second comparison. Than the speaker is held up in air, move with moving air to
vertical position inner side or surface part(s) of lifeless things, the
direction of things, persons, or events highest, flat rectangular piece of
wood, metal, glass, or other material, fastened at right angles to a wall.
After I read this stanza, I blew myself a bubble/That was bigger than
myself/And I floated up inside it/To the top-most shelf/, denotatively, I
read this based on the context of the poem portrayed. The line I blew myself a bubble, the word blew associates with do something like
hope that the writer can do amazing something, and bubble associates with destination that will be reached. Myself means that he can do it by
himself. So, it means that the writer has high expectation to reach the destination
or something he wants, but he does it by himself to reach it. The line that was bigger than myself has meaning
that the writer expectation is something
that out of his ability to do, but he has big expectation. The word floated up has meaning that the
writer is hanged on something. So, the
line And I floated up inside it means
that the writer is hanged on his high expectation about something. Maybe it is
the biggest something that he want to reach. To the top-most shelf has meaning that his expectation is piled on
the top than other, it be piled tidily like on the shelf that is save. In
another word, it can be said that the context of this stanza says about the writer has high expectation that wants to
reach. He is hanged on his high expectation, and it piled up tidily on the top of his another
expectation like on the shelf. It is the important something than others, and
he will reach it by himself.
And there I saw before
my own two eyes
a hundred jam-post
four dead flies.
In the second stanza is written And there I saw before me / With my own two eyes / Half a hundred
jam-post / And four dead flies. And
means connecting the words, clauses, sentences ( Hornby, 1948:29). There means adv of place and direction (
contrasted with here) ( Hornby, 1948 :896). I
means pers pron used by a speaker or
writer to refer to himself ( Hornby,
1948:420). Saw means pt of see (
Hornby, 1948:757). See means for
special uses with adverbial particles and preps, have or use the power of sight ( Hornby, 1948:771). Saw is past form of see. And there I saw means a speaker or
writer uses the power of sight of place or direction. Before means adv (contrasted with afterwards) at an earlier time;
in the past; already ( Hornby, 1948:73). Me
means pron object form for the pronoun I ( Hornby, 1948:526). Before me means I or a writer or speaker
at an earlier time; in the past; already.
And there I saw before me means that a speaker or writer uses the power of
sight of place or direction at an earlier time; in the past; already. With means prep (equivalent to constructions with the v ‘ have ‘) having; carrying;
characterized by ( Hornby, 1948:988). My
means poss adj belonging to me ( Hornby, 1948:558). Own means adj, pron ( used with
possessives, either attributively or predicatively, to give emphasis to
the idea of personal possession, to the
peculiar or individual character of sth (
Hornby, 1948:602). With my own means
having belonging to me with possessive either attributively or predicatively,
to give emphasis to the idea of personal
possession, to the peculiar or
individual character of sth. Two
means the number 2 ( Hornby, 1948:933). Eye
means organ of sight. Eyes is the
plural form of eye ( Hornby, 1948:302). Two
eyes means 2 organ of sight. With my
own two eyes means that having
belonging to me (speaker or writer) with possessive either attributively or
predicatively, to give emphasis to the idea of
personal possession, to the peculiar
or individual character of sth by 2 organ of sight. Half means adj, adv 1 one of two equal or corresponding parts into
which a thing is divided ( Hornby, 1948:386). A means cf some, any,
several, a few with plnn ( Hornby, 1948:1). Hundred
means adj the number 100 ( Hornby, 1948:416). Half a hundred means one of two equal or corresponding parts into
which a thing is divided of number 100. Jam-post
means : Jam means crush, be crushed,
between two surfaces or masses; squeeze; be squeezed ( Hornby, 1948:454). Post means place where a soldier is on
watch; place of duty ( Hornby, 1948:651). Jam-post
means crush be crushed, between two surfaces or masses; squeeze; be squeezed in
a place where a soldier is on match; place of duty. Half a hundred jam-post means that one of two equal or
corresponding parts into which a thing is divided of number 100 that crush, be crushed, between two
surfaces or masses; squeeze; be squeezed in a place where a soldier is on
match; place of duty. And means connecting the words, clauses,
sentences ( Hornby, 1948:29). Four
means adj the number 4. Dead means
adj 1 ( of plants, animals, persons) no longer living ( Hornby, 1948:220). Fly
means move through the air as a bird does, or in an aircraft / means two-winged
insect esp common ’housefly’ ( Hornby, 1948:331). Flies is the plural form of fly. Dead flies means two-winged insect esp common ‘housefly’ is no
longer living. And four dead flies
means that There are 4 two-winged insect esp common ‘housefly’ is no longer
living. Thus, this stanza depicts that a
speaker or writer uses the power of sight of place or direction at an earlier
time; in the past; already having
belonging to me (speaker or writer) with possessive either attributively or
predicatively, to give emphasis to the idea of
personal possession, to the peculiar
or individual character of sth by 2 organ of sight and a writer or
speaker see one of two equal or corresponding parts into which a thing is
divided of 100 that crush, be
crushed, between two surfaces or masses; squeeze; be squeezed in a place where
a soldier is on match; place of duty of 4 two-winged insect esp common
‘housefly’ is no longer living.
After I read this stanza, And there I saw before me / With my own two eyes / Half a hundred
jam-post / And four dead flies/, denotatively , I read this based on the
context of the poem portrayed. The line And
there I saw before me/ with my own two eyes has meaning that he looks on
his previous experiences, and he also looks on the others experiences that
something he has done, and also others. He feels something based on the
experiences. The line Half hundred
jam-post/ And foru dead flies has meaning that not all of his experiences
and others experiences is success. Most of the experiences is failed, it almost
a half of something that he has done. In another word, it can be said that the
context of this stanza says about
something that he and others have done is not always success, almost a half of his
experiences is failed because he does it by himself (based on previous stanza).
He learn about experiences that something if he does it by himself will not
always success. He has felt it by himself frequently because it also happen on his
experiences. It has meaning that he can do everything by himself, such as to
reach his expectation he can not do it by himself. He need someone to help and
support his expectation in order that it can be reached.
I blew myself a bubble
That was larger than Papa
And he floated off inside it
To a place afar,
In the third stanza is
written I blew myself a bubble / That was
larger than Papa / And he floated off inside it / To a place a far. I means pers pron used by a speaker or writer to
refer to himself. ( Hornby, 1948:420). Blow means move along , flow as a current of air ( Hornby,
1948:89). Blew is past form of blow. Myself
means without help (Hornby, 1948:559). I
blew myself means a speaker or writer move along, flow as a current of air. A means cf some, any, several, a few with plnn ( Hornby,
1948:1). Bubble means floating ball
formed of liquid and containing air or gas ( Hornby, 1948:109). A bubble means some, any, several
floating ball formed of lquid and containing air or gas. I blew myself a bubble means that the speaker or writer move along,
flow as a current of air, with some floating ball formed of liquid and
containing air or gas. That means adj, pron ( contrasted with
this, these) (Hornby, 1948:894). Is
means be (Hornby, 1948:451). Was is
the past form of is. Large means adj
(-r, -st) 1 of considerable size, taking up much space; able contain much (Hornby, 1948:474). Larger is the comparative degree of size
with other thing. That was larger
means the comparative degree of size with other thing of considerable size,
taking up much space; able contain much
contrasted with this, these of large. Than
means introducing the second part of comparison
(Hornby, 1948:893). Papa means
n ( child’s word for father (Hornby, 1948:608). Than Papa means introducing Papa as child’s word fo father as the
second part of comparison. That was
larger than Papa means that the comparative degree of size with Papa of
considerable size, taking up much space;
able contain much contrasted with this, these of large. And
means connecting the words, clauses, sentences ( Hornby, 1948:29). He means male person or animal previously referred to (Hornby, 1948:395). Float means be held up in air, gas or on
the surface in liquid; move with moving liquid or air ( Hornby, 1948:329). Floated is past form of float. Off means adverbial particle ( for special uses
with off as an adverbial particle such as go off (Hornby, 1948:582). And he floated off means he (male person or animal previously referred to Papa) is held up in air , gas or on the surface of
liquid; move with moving liquid or air. Inside means inner side or surface; part(s) within
(Hornby, 1948:440). It means used of
lifeless things, of animal ( when sex is unknown or unimportant), and of a baby
or small child when the sex is unknown or a matter of indifference (Hornby,
1948:452). Inside it means inner side
or surface; part(s) of lifeless things. And
he floated off inside it means that he (male person or animal previously referred to Papa) is held up in
air, move with moving air inner side or surface part(s) of lifeless things. To
means in the direction of ( Hornby, 1948:908). A means cf some, any, several,
a few with plnn ( Hornby, 1948:1). Place
means particular part of space occupied by sb or sth (Hornby, 1948:636). Afar means adv (poet) far of or away.
From ( Hornby, 1948:15). To a place means
the direction of some, any, several, a
few with plnn particular part of space occupied by sb or sth. To a place afar means that the direction
of some, any, several, a few with plnn
particular part of space occupied by sb or sth that is far of place or away.
Thus, this stanza depicts that the speaker or writer move along, flow as a
current of air, with some floating ball formed of liquid and containing air or
gas that compare degree of size with
Papa of considerable size, taking up much
space; able contain much contrasted with this, these of large and he (male person or animal previously referred to Papa) is held up in
air, move with moving air inner side or surface part(s) of lifeless things to
direction of some, any, several, a few
with plnn particular part of space occupied by sb or sth that is far of place
or away.
I read this stanza, I blew myself a
bubble / That was larger than Papa / And he floated off inside it / To a place
a far/ denotatively, I read this based on the context of the poem
portrayed. Like the first line on the first stanza, The line I
blew myself a bubble, the word blew
associates with do something like hope that the writer can do amazing
something, and bubble associates with
destination that will be reached. Myself
means that he can do it by himself. So, it means that the writer has high
expectation to reach the destination or something he wants, but he does it by
himself to reach it. And the line That
was larger than Papa has meaning that the word larger means something that does not be known by his father, but he
always tries to continue do something that is very precious for him, such as
expectation. So, this line has meaning
he has expectation that is out of his father ability, but he always
tries to reach it although it will be hard. In the line And he floated off inside it, the word floated off has meaning that
it is a support for doing something, so the this line has meaning that he (writer’s
father) give support in writer expectation, he helps the writer to reach the
writer expectation by being a partner of the writer. Then the line To a place afar has meaning that they
(the writer and his father) will walk together to reach the writer expectation
although it will be many of obstacles along the struggle. They will go
everywhere together to reach it although to a place a afar. In another word, it
can be said that the context of this stanza says about the father that is very
love the writer as his child. He will always support his child although he just
do something as far as he can. Writer’s father will always walk together with
the writer although it is not be asked by writer to reach the writer
expectation although it will be many obstacles along his struggle, and they
will walk together to a place afar to reach it because his father know that it
can not be done by himself, everything need help and support to reach
everybody cheered and waved
see him overhead
Father is very a clever man’
In the fourth stanza is
written As
everybody cheered and waved / To see him
overhead / ‘Your Father is very a clever
man’ / They said. As means adv (
followed by as, conj) n the same degree. ( Hornby, 1948:44). Everybody means all of people. As everybody means that the same of
degree of all of people. Cheer means
with gladness, hope, high spirits; comfort ( Hornby, 1948:142). Cheered is past form of cheer. And means
connecting the words, clauses, sentences ( Hornby, 1948:29). Wave means cause (sth) to move in this
way (eg to make a signal or request, to give a greeting, etc.) ( Hornby,
1948:970). Waved is a past form of
wave. Cheered and waved means with
gladness, hope, high spirits; comfort and to move this way (eg make a signal or
request, to give a greeting). As
everybody cheered and waved means that the same of degree of all people
with gladness, hope, high spitis; comfort and to move this way (eg make a
signal or request, to give a greeting). To
means in the direction of ( Hornby, 1948:908). See means for special uses with adverbial particles and preps, have
or use the power of sight ( Hornby,
1948:771). Him means pers pron used
as object form of he ( Hornby, 1948:404). To
see him means in the direction of pers pron used as object form of he for
special uses with adverbial particles and preps, have or use the power of sight. Overhead means adv above one’s head; in the sky ( Hornby,
1948:600). To see him overhead means
in the direction of pers pron used as object form of he for special uses with adverbial
particles and preps, have or use the
power of sight above one’s head; in
the sky. Your means belonging to,
relating to, you ( Hornby, 1948:1001). Father
means male parent ( Hornby, 1948:312). Is
means be (Hornby, 1948:451). Your father
is means male parent belonging to, relating to, you be. Very
means itself and no other; truly such (Hornby, 1948:954). ). Is very means be itself and no other;
truly. A means cf some, any, several, a few with plnn. (
Hornby, 1948:1). Clever means quick
in learning and understanding things;
skilful (Hornby, 1948:154). Man means
adult male human being ( Hornby,
1948:516). A clever man means some,
any, several, a few with plnn adult male human
being quick in learning and understanding things; skilful. Your father is very a clever man means that male parent belonging
to, relating to, you be quick in learning and understanding things; skilful of some, any, several, a few
with plnn adult male human being. They means pers pron ( subject form, pl,
of he, she, it) / means people in general ( Hornby, 1948:897). Say means say sth (to sb), utter,
make ( as specified word or remark );
use one’s voice to produce (words, sentences) ( Hornby, 1948 : 758). They said means pers pron (subject form,pl,
of he, she, it (people in general) say sth (to sb), utter, make (as specified
word or remark); use one’s voice to produce ( words, sentences). Thus this
stanza depicts that the same of degree of all people with gladness, hope, high
spitis; comfort and to move this way (eg make a signal or request, to give a
greeting) in the direction of pers pron used as object form of he for special
uses with adverbial particles and preps, have or use the power of sight above one’s head; in the sky of male parent belonging to, relating
to, you. Its pers pron (subject form,pl, of he, she, it (people in general) say
that adult male human being of male
parent belonging to, relating to, you is
person who is quick in learning and understanding things; utter, make (as specified word or
remark); use one’s voice to produce ( words, sentences).
After I read this
stanza, As everybody cheered and waved / To see him overhead / ‘Your Father is very a clever man’ / They said/ denotatively,
I read this based on the context of the poem portrayed. The line As everybody cheered and waved has
meaning that everybody who know they struggle, they will feel proud by cheering
and waving. Everybody look on his father support of the writer expectation that it can be example
for others, and they respect about it. To
see him overhead means that see the
writer’s father not only by physic, but
by positive side. To see him directly and kindly in whole his characteristics. ‘ Your father is very a clever man/ They
said has meaning that is a complement that be expressed by everybody for
writer’s father. They say that writer’s father is clever, it means that his
father is deserve to get that complement of his kindness in supporting the
writer to reach the expectation and it means that his father is great man. And
they are very proud about him. In another word, it can be said that the context
of this stanza says about the great father for his child. Everybody give
complement about his father greatness, He just realize that his father is great
man for him, he always come and always there to give support when he be asked
or not. Because parents is the person who is the most care about their child
although they know that the child do not want to cause trouble for them.
Writer’s father is a great father.
I read the whole of four stanza above, can be concluded that the poem says
about the writer has high expectation that wants to reach. He is hanged on his
high expectation, and it piled up tidily
on the top of his another expectation like on the shelf. It is the important
something than others, and he will reach it by himself. Something that he and
others have done is not always success,
almost a half of his experiences is failed because he does it by himself (based
on previous stanza). He learn about experiences that something if he does it by
himself will not always success. He has felt it by himself frequently because
it also happen on his experiences. It has meaning that he can do everything by himself,
such as to reach his expectation he can not do it by himself. He need someone
to help and support his expectation in order that it can be reached. The father that is very love the writer as his
child, will always support his child although he just do something as far as he
can. Writer’s father will always walk together with the writer although it is
not be asked by writer to reach the writer expectation although it will be many
obstacles along his struggle, and they will walk together to a place afar to
reach it because his father know that it can not be done by himself, everything
need help and support to reach something. The great father for his child like
everybody give complement about his father greatness, He just realize that his
father is great man for him, he always come and always there to give support
when he be asked or not. Because parents are the person who is the most care
about their child although they know that the child do not want to cause
trouble for them.Tthe main message that will be given by writer to the readers
is about the great father. He realize that his father is great. Finally, the
great person for us based on this poem is our father.
Hornby. 1948. Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary of Current English. Revised and Updated.
Great Britanian by
Hazell Watson & Viney Limited
Aylesbury, Bucks
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