5 contoh Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya berupa Percakapan Pendek
(5 Examples of Passive Voice in English and also the meaning (dialogue))
(5 Examples of Passive Voice in English and also the meaning (dialogue))
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1. Past Perfect Tense
Ika : “Ana, where is my apple? Did you eat it?”
Ana : “No, I didn’t. Where did you keep it?”
Ika : “I put it on the refrigerator. You are the only in here.”
Ana : “I knew it. Your brother had eaten your apple.”
Ika : “Are you sure? My apple had been eaten by my brother?”
Ana : “Yes. When I came to the kitchen your brother were eating an apple.”
Ika : “My bad. That was my last apple.”
Ika : “Ana, di mana apelku? Kamu makan ya?”
Ana : “Enggak. Kamu simpan di mana.”
Ika : “Saya taruh di kulkas. Kan cuma kamu yang di sini.”
Ana : “Aku tau. Adikmu yang sudah makan apelmu”
Ika : “Yakin? Apelku sudah dimakan sama adikku?”
Ana :”Iya. Saat aku ke dapur adikmu sedang makan apel.”
Ika : ”Salahku sih. Padahal itu apel satu-satunya”
2. Past Tense
Ifa : “Uni, Do you mind if you lend me your new phone? I have an assignment to find
some motivational quotes from internet.”
Uni : “I am so sorry, Ifa. My new phone was sold yesterday because I didn’t like it.
Then, I just bought a new other phone.”
Ifa : “How much you sold it?”
Uni : “I sold it Rp 1.500.000,-“
Ifa : “If I had known that you will sell your phone, I would have bought your phone.”
Uni : “But you can use this phone. I just finished using it.”
Ifa : “Thank you, Uni”
Uni : “You are welcome.”
Ifa : “Uni, aku boleh pinjam hpmu yang baru? Aku ada tugas nih nyari kata-kata
mutiara di internet”
mutiara di internet”
Uni : ‘Maaf, Ifa. Hpku yang baru dijual kemarin soalnya aku ngga suka. Terus ini beli yang baru lagi.”
Ifa : “Dijual berapa?”
Uni : “Dijual Rp 1.500.000”
Ifa : “Kalau aku tahu kamu mau jual hpmu, pastii sudah ku beli tuh hp.”
Uni : “Tapi kamu bisa pakai hp ini kok. Aku sudah selesai pakainya.”
Ifa : “Terima kasih, Uni.”
Uni : “Sama-sama”
3. Continuous Tense
Intan : “That is very a nice drawing. Who drew it?”
Asa : “Thanks a lot. My little sister made it.”
Intan : “Where is your little sister now? I want to see more about her drawing”
Asa : “She is at her bedroom. Maybe she is sleeping”
Intan : “I’ll check it. But before that may use your toilet?”
Asa : “Sure. Just go straight and the toilet is after the door. But the toilet is being
used by my mother. Wait for a while”
Intan : ”Ini gambar yang keren. Siapa yang gambar ini?”
Asa : “Makasih. Adikku yang buat ini.”
Intan : “Di mana dia sekarang? Aku pengin lihat gambar-gambarnya.”
Asa : “Di kamar. Mungkin sedang tidur.”
Intan : “Coba saya lihat. Tapi aku mau ke toilet dulu ya.”
Asa : “Oke. Lurus saja dan toiletnya ada setelah pintu. Tapi sekarang toiletnya sedang
Asa : “Oke. Lurus saja dan toiletnya ada setelah pintu. Tapi sekarang toiletnya sedang
dipakai sama Mamaku. Sebentar ya.”
4. Past Tense
Roni :”Why do you look so sad?’
Gun : “My wallet was stolen by a thief last night.”
Roni : “I am sorry to hear that. Did you remember the doer?”
Gun : “I am not sure. I put it on my bag. When I wanted to take some money to buy an
ice cream, it was lost. I did not even know the doer.”
Roni : “Were you sure you put it on your bag? Maybe you left it at your home.”
Gun : “Sure!.”
Roni :”Kenapa sedih?”
Gun :”Dompetku dicuri maling tadi malam.”
Roni : “Walah. Ingat malingnya?”
Gun : “Nggak. Saya taruh di tas kan. Saat mau ambil uang untuk beli es krim dompetnya
nggak ada. Bahkan aku ngga tau siapa pelakunya.”
Roni : “Yakin kamu taruh di tas? Mungkin ketinggalan di rumah.”
Gun : “Yakin!”
5. Simple Future Tense
Ria : “Who will close the door?”
Han : “The door will be closed by Kiki”
Ria : “Didn’t you know that Kiki was absent this morning. He did not attend our
Han : “I did not know that. All right, I will close the door.”
Ria : “Siapa yang akan menutup pintunya?”
Han : “Pintunya akan ditutup oleh Kiki.”
Ria : “Kamu ngga Kiki tidak masuk pagi ini. Dia tidak ada di kelas kami.”
Han : “Nggak tau. Baiklah aku yang akan menutup pintunya.”
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