Friday, 31 March 2017

Motivasi Islam - Belajar dari Tiga Binatang yang Disebut Al-Qur'an

Setidaknya ada tiga binatang kecil menjadi nama dari tiga surah di dalam Al-Qur’an, yaitu Al-Naml (semut), Al-'Ankabut (laba-laba), dan Al-Nahl (lebah). Bila kita amati secara seksama, masing-masing binatang ini memiliki karakter khas yang bisa menjadi kiasan dari kehidupan manusia.

Semut menghimpun makanan sedikit demi sedikit tanpa henti-hentinya. Konon, binatang kecil ini dapat menghimpun makanan untuk bertahun-tahun sedangkan usianya tidak lebih dari satu tahun. Kelobaannya sedemikian besar sehingga ia berusaha–dan seringkali berhasil–memikul sesuatu yang lebih besar dari badannya, meskipun sesuatu tersebut tidak berguna baginya.

Dalam surah Al-Naml antara lain diuraikan sikap Fir'aun, juga Nabi Sulaiman yang memiliki kekuasaan yang tidak dimiliki oleh manusia mana pun sebelum dan sesudahnya. Ada juga kisah seorang raja wanita yang berusaha menyogok Nabi Sulaiman demi mempertahankan kekuasaan yang dimilikinya.

Lain lagi uraian Al-Quran tentang laba-laba: Sarangnya adalah tempat yang paling rapuh. Sebagaimana disinggung oleh surah Al-Ankabut ayat 41:

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاءَ كَمَثَلِ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا ۖ وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنْكَبُوتِ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ

Artinya: “Perumpamaan orang-orang yang mengambil pelindung-pelindung selain Allah adalah seperti laba-laba yang membuat rumah. Dan sesungguhnya rumah yang paling lemah adalah rumah laba-laba kalau mereka mengetahui.”

Rumah laba-laba bukan tempat yang aman, apa pun yang berlindung di sana atau disergapnya akan binasa. Jangankan serangga yang tidak sejenis, jantannya pun setelah selesai berhubungan seks disergapnya untuk dimusnahkan oleh betinanya. Telur-telurnya yang menetas saling berdesakan sehingga dapat saling memusnahkan. Demikianlah kata sebagian ahli. Sebuah gambaran yang sangat mengerikan dari sejenis binatang.

Lantas bagaimana dengan lebah? Al-Qur’an memiliki insting yang—dalam bahasa Al-Quran lebah bergerak atas atas ilham dari Tuhan sehingga ia mampu memilih memilih gunung dan pohon-pohon sebagai tempat tinggal.

وَأَوْحَىٰ رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحْلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذِي مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ

Artinya: “Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah: ‘Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan di tempat-tempat yang dibikin manusia’." (QS An-Nahl: 68)

Sarang lebah dibuat berbentuk segi enam bukannya lima atau empat agar tidak terjadi pemborosan dalam lokasi. Yang dimakannya adalah kembang-kembang yang tidak seperti semut yang menumpuk-numpuk makanannya, lebah mengolah makanannya dan hasil olahannya adalah lilin dan madu yang sangat bermanfaat bagi manusia. Lilin digunakan untuk penerang dan madu—kata Al-Quran—dapat menjadi obat yang menyembuhkan. Lebah sangat disiplin, mengenal pembagian kerja, dan segala yang tidak berguna disingkirkan dari sarangnya. Lebah tidak mengganggu kecuali yang mengganggunya, bahkan sengatannya pun dapat menjadi obat.

Sikap hidup manusia seringkali diibaratkan dengan berbagai jenis binatang. Jelas ada manusia yang "berbudaya semut", yaitu menghimpun dan menumpuk ilmu (tanpa mengolahnya) dan materi atau harta benda (tanpa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya). Budaya semut adalah "budaya menumpuk" yang disuburkan oleh "budaya mumpung". Tidak sedikit problem masyarakat bersumber dari budaya tersebut. Pemborosan adalah anak kandung budaya ini yang mendorong hadirnya benda-benda baru yang tidak dibutuhkan dan tersingkirnya benda-benda lama yang masih cukup indah untuk dipandang dan bermanfaat untuk digunakan. Dapat dipastikan bahwa dalam masyarakat kita, banyak sekali semut yang berkeliaran.

Entah berapa banyak jumlah laba-laba yang ada di sekitar kita, yaitu mereka yang tidak lagi butuh berpikir apa, di mana, dan kapan ia makan, tetapi yang mereka pikirkan adalah "siapa yang akan mereka jadikan mangsa. Ia menjadi kiasan dari sifat manusia mencelakakan, dan rumah/lembaganya yang menjadi pelindungnya menjerumuskan siapa saja yang terpikat olehnya.

Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mengibaratkan seorang Mukmin sebagai lebah, sesuatu yang tidak merusak dan tidak pula menyakitkan: Tidak makan kecuali yang baik, tidak menghasilkan kecuali yang bermanfaat dan jika menimpa sesuatu tidak merusak dan tidak pula memecahkannya.

Lebih rinci lagi, lebah setidaknya memiliki tiga keistimewaan yang dapat menjadi analogi tentang karakter ideal manusia. Pertama, lebah tak merusak ranting yang ia hinggapi, sekecil apa pun pohon tersebut. Hal ini memberi pelajaran manusia agar menghindari berlaku yang menimbulkan mudarat atau kerugian terhadap orang lain. Lebah memang datang untuk makan, tapi ia tak ingin merusak untuk kepentingannya pribadinya itu. Bahkan kerap kali lebah justri berjasa dalam proses penyerbukan sebuah bunga yang ia hinggapi.

Kedua, lebah makan sesuatu yang baik-baik, yakni saripati bunga, sehingga yang dikeluarkannya pun baik-baik, yakni madu. Manusia dituntut dalam kehidupan yang serba halal. Rezeki yang halal akan membuahkan perilaku yang positif .


Sunday, 26 March 2017



June 1 - July 31

Telah dibuka kembali Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud 2017 untuk S1, S2 dan S3. Sesuai Permendikbud nomor 95 tahun 2013 tentang Beasiswa Unggulan, maka beasiswa diberikan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa Indonesia. Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi (MAPRES) terdiri dari Beasiswa Degree dan Beasiswa NonDegree. Beasiswa Degree adalah Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) yang ditujukan kepada:
  • Peraih medali/penghargaan olimpiade/kompetisi internasional  di bidang : sains, penelitian ilmiah, keterampilan, seni,  olah raga, dan bahasa yang dilaksanakan dan difasilitasi oleh Kemendikbud dan/atau oleh Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
  • Masyarakat berprestasi tingkat nasional atau internasional di segala bidang dan umum (kecuali dosen)
  • Beasiswa Degree hanya diperuntukan untuk tujuan dalam negeri.
Beasiswa Non Degree adalah Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) yang diperuntukan bagi masyarakat berprestasi (guru, tenaga kependidikan pada tingkat PAUD sampai SMA/SMK, pegiat budaya, seniman dan pegiat sosial kecuali dosen) untuk mengikuti program residensi, menjadi pembicara dalam workshop atau konferensi, utamanya bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Program beasiswa ini bukan beasiswa bantuan riset studi. Pendaftaran beasiswa Non Degree dilakukan dengan cara mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran ke kantor sekretariat Beasiswa Unggulan.
Berikut info persyaratan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) untuk jenis Beasiswa Degree tahun 2017:
Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S1:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 22 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksismal 22 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK, PTN 3.00 PTS 3.25
  4. Jenjang S1 tidak memerlukan TOEFL/IELTS
Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S2:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 32 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S1, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5
Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksimal 32 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S1, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5
Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S3:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 37 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S2, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5
Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksimal 37 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S2, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5
Kelengkapan Berkas Beasiswa Degree:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
  2. LoA Unconditional
  3. Ijazah dan transkrip nilai terakhir
  4. Sertifikat TOEFL ITP/IBT atau IELTS (untuk S1 tidak wajib)
  5. Proposal rencana studi
  6. Surat rekomendasi
  7. Sertifikat prestasi terbaik (bila ada)
Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
  2. Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM)
  3. Kartu Hasil Studi (KHS) terakhir
  4. Sertifikat TOEFL ITP/IBT atau IELTS (untuk S1 tidak wajib)
  5. Proposal rencana studi
  6. Surat rekomendasi
  7. Sertifikat prestasi terbaik (bila ada)
Waktu Pendaftaran:
Jadwal Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) Tahun 2017 Khusus Beasiswa Degree
Batch 1
  1. Pendaftaran 15 Februari – 15 April 2017
  2. Seleksi administrasi dan wawancara 16 April – 10 Mei 2017
  3. Pengumuman 12 Mei 2017
Batch 2
  1. Pendaftaran 1 Juni – 31 Juli 2017
  2. Seleksi administrasi dan wawancara 1 Agustus – 31 Agustus 2017
  3. Pengumuman 1 September 2017
Berikut info persyaratan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) untuk jenis Beasiswa Non Degree tahun 2017:
  1. Surat permohonan kepada Kepala Biro PKLN
  2. Daftar riwayat hidup (Curriculum Vitae)
  3. Surat undangan dari penyelenggara
  4. Materi/bahan/proposal yang relevan dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan
  5. Essay minimal 500 kata tentang manfaat dari kegiatan
  6. Usulan rincian biaya
Mengirim seluruh dokumen persyaratan kepada:
Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Gedung C Lantai 7 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, 10270
(offline only)
Waktu Pendaftaran:
Jadwal Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) Tahun 2017 Khusus Beasiswa Non Degree



February 15 - April 15

Telah dibuka kembali Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud 2017 untuk S1, S2 dan S3. Sesuai Permendikbud nomor 95 tahun 2013 tentang Beasiswa Unggulan, maka beasiswa diberikan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa Indonesia. Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat Berprestasi (MAPRES) terdiri dari Beasiswa Degree dan Beasiswa NonDegree. Beasiswa Degree adalah Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) yang ditujukan kepada:
  • Peraih medali/penghargaan olimpiade/kompetisi internasional  di bidang : sains, penelitian ilmiah, keterampilan, seni,  olah raga, dan bahasa yang dilaksanakan dan difasilitasi oleh Kemendikbud dan/atau oleh Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
  • Masyarakat berprestasi tingkat nasional atau internasional di segala bidang dan umum (kecuali dosen)
  • Beasiswa Degree hanya diperuntukan untuk tujuan dalam negeri.
Beasiswa Non Degree adalah Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) yang diperuntukan bagi masyarakat berprestasi (guru, tenaga kependidikan pada tingkat PAUD sampai SMA/SMK, pegiat budaya, seniman dan pegiat sosial kecuali dosen) untuk mengikuti program residensi, menjadi pembicara dalam workshop atau konferensi, utamanya bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Program beasiswa ini bukan beasiswa bantuan riset studi. Pendaftaran beasiswa Non Degree dilakukan dengan cara mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran ke kantor sekretariat Beasiswa Unggulan.

Berikut info persyaratan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) untuk jenis Beasiswa Degree tahun 2017:
Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S1:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 22 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B

Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksismal 22 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK, PTN 3.00 PTS 3.25
  4. Jenjang S1 tidak memerlukan TOEFL/IELTS

Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S2:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 32 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S1, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5

Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksimal 32 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S1, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5

Beasiswa Degree Jenjang S3:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Maksimal 37 tahun
  2. Memiliki LoA Unconditional perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S2, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5

Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Maksimal 37 tahun
  2. Maksimal semester 3 pada perguruan tinggi minimal akreditasi B
  3. IPK S2, PTN 3.25 PTS 3.50
  4. TOEFL ITP 500/IBT 61, atau IELTS 5.5

Kelengkapan Berkas Beasiswa Degree:
Mahasiswa Baru
  1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
  2. LoA Unconditional
  3. Ijazah dan transkrip nilai terakhir
  4. Sertifikat TOEFL ITP/IBT atau IELTS (untuk S1 tidak wajib)
  5. Proposal rencana studi
  6. Surat rekomendasi
  7. Sertifikat prestasi terbaik (bila ada)

Mahasiswa On Going
  1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
  2. Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM)
  3. Kartu Hasil Studi (KHS) terakhir
  4. Sertifikat TOEFL ITP/IBT atau IELTS (untuk S1 tidak wajib)
  5. Proposal rencana studi
  6. Surat rekomendasi
  7. Sertifikat prestasi terbaik (bila ada)

Waktu Pendaftaran:
Jadwal Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) Tahun 2017 Khusus Beasiswa Degree
Batch 1
  1. Pendaftaran 15 Februari – 15 April 2017
  2. Seleksi administrasi dan wawancara 16 April – 10 Mei 2017
  3. Pengumuman 12 Mei 2017
Batch 2
  1. Pendaftaran 1 Juni – 31 Juli 2017
  2. Seleksi administrasi dan wawancara 1 Agustus – 31 Agustus 2017
  3. Pengumuman 1 September 2017

Berikut info persyaratan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) untuk jenis Beasiswa Non Degree tahun 2017:
  1. Surat permohonan kepada Kepala Biro PKLN
  2. Daftar riwayat hidup (Curriculum Vitae)
  3. Surat undangan dari penyelenggara
  4. Materi/bahan/proposal yang relevan dengan penyelenggaraan kegiatan
  5. Essay minimal 500 kata tentang manfaat dari kegiatan
  6. Usulan rincian biaya

Mengirim seluruh dokumen persyaratan kepada:
Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Gedung C Lantai 7 Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta, 10270
(offline only)

Waktu Pendaftaran:
Jadwal Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud (Kemendikbud) Tahun 2017 Khusus Beasiswa Non Degree

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Integrating Technology into Secondary Language Teaching

Integrating Technology into Secondary Language Teaching
(Graham Stanley)
Secondary Education
It takes places during the school day, at school either funded by state or privately financed, and after school in language academies, where learners are sent by their parents for additional English classes, usually to reinforce the English being learned at school, or to help the learners prepare for specific examination. It refers to age 11-18.

Growth of Technology Use
There is a tremendous growth ICT across the board in the recent years. Like European, many teachers interest using ICT. US also has developed National Educational Technology Plan for transforming education through technology. Educational and Technology have a tightly intertwined future. This development also gives many benefits like successful in teaching.  

Teacher Training and Continuing Professional Development and ICT
Research indicates that Training in ICT skills is crucial in implementing ICT integration in the teaching and learning of English, and the extent to which teachers are given time and access to pertinent training to use computers to support learning plays a major role in determining whether or not technology has a major impact on achievement. Generally, teachers are using readily available, free online tools and are finding out how to use them through social networks and online communities of practice.
Personal learning networks (PLNs) developed out of the idea of building a personal learning environment (PLE), which is built out of collection of web tools set up and owned by the learner.

Case Study 2.1: Telecollaboration at a Secondary School in Egypt
The study is done by Ayat. She teaches pre-intermediate to intermediate level. She uses technology in teaching process since join TESOL Electronic Village Online. She believes and thinks that the best way of developing professionally is by sharing with colleague around the world through online. She thinks that learning language must be communicative, through technology. It is not enough just teach in classroom and past the test, but in real life situation. She interests in using skype ( as her media. It provide user to communicate with the authentic audience and authentic atmosphere in communicating. She thinks that she have to manage the telcollaoration, important factor if online exchanges are to be effective. It must be planned as authentic as possible and well preparation from the teacher. Ayat’s class started to prepare question, she encouraged learners to ask any questions they wanted. But there is no interest of them. Then she uses computer as media, and it makes them interested and more motivated. The activity was successful, and she decided to continue telecollaboration. She also believes that making a group like on face book is very important to set a rule that all communicating in English. Ayat also uses skype to improve listening skill, vocabulary in natural way. She also make collaborative online book as a media to share information.

Web 2.0
It is a social web that allow for some degree of content creation and communication, and it is ideal for language learning. It is a blog, that teacher can share journal in publish information about a course. Blogger ( has encouraged many teachers to embrace online publishing who otherwise would not have done so. It is good to share information, culture, project, in written way to understand the knowledge.
The popular online publishing used by secondary school teacher and learners is wiki. It is collaborative web space allowing for pages that can be created and edited by multiple users easily without any knowledge of web design. It is similar to the blog, but it has more flexible structure and good for project work. The development of web 2.0 is combination between iPod and broadcast or podcasts (audio and video via internet online). It provides many tools to make creation and sharing easily.

Case Study 2.2: Sharing the Experience of Web Tools in Brazil
Ana as users of web 2.0 feels that the technology is very helpful for her in teaching. She starts with class upper intermediate aged 15-16 with the objectives extra writing, reading, listening, and speaking practice at home. Every week one volunteer creates a short text based on the dictation of listening. Then the teachers correct it. It also be done by other in different way. She decide to record the process or correcting to provide a good correctness for the children as a feedback. Post online can motivate the learners to learn more. She also uses twitter, facebook, and blog. She also choose voki ( to share video and audio. Ana also uses edmodo ( as educational private network with her learner. It is useful to share link, discussion, and chats with classmates.

Research and Practice
At the heart of the issue that the using of technology in classroom improve acquisition or development of language skill. CALL also helps secondary learners with listening and writing with some suggestion that speaking can also be improved. The researches on whether CALL improves reading, and on the acquisition of grammar and vocabulary were inconclusive. Leraner perceives an increase in confidence in engaging in real learning experiences not found in books and speaking activities. It is frighten that using technology is more emphasized than pedagogy. It is not sure that web tool is effective or not. Certainly, technology is effective, but why is it effective? Others believe that “ until technology becomes normalized, there is typically too much focus on the technology itself and not enough on how its used pedagogically, socially, politically, or ecologically.

Normalization of ICT
Normalization can be defined as the stage in which CALL finally becomes invisible, serving the needs of learners and integrated into every teachers everyday practice. There are definite signs of a more fully integrated approaches to CALL emerging because of web 2.0

Integration of ICT in Secondary Language Teaching
Aside from web 2.0 more traditional uses of ICT continue too. Jewell points out that may stand alone applications such as processing and presentation software (For example: power point) can be used effectively by secondary school learners to improve their language skill through research and by sharing their finding in oral presentations which also provides real world context and technological skill and enable students to develop confidence in their language abilities.

Case Study 2.3: Digital Story Telling in Argentina
It is done by Vicky Saumell from kindergarten to secondary level. She has been worked 20 years and using technology for six years, first becoming interested through the webheads in Action Community of practice ( Since then, she develops ICT in her classroom using technology in teaching practice. She focuses would be on project-based learning more direct at their students’ interest and knowledge, in order to better engage them in learning process. A wiki ( was set up to be used as a project repository and to keep record of which project were done with which class. 

Digital Literacy and Mobile Learning
Digital literacy is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers. In one thing is certain to be literate in the 21 century requires a more multimodal approaches because multimodality is more pervasive, diverse, and important today than ever before.
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is one of the most interesting emerging types of technology enhanced learning, especially now that mobile devices are carried by more and more people every day and it has envolved from a simple voice device to a multimedia communications tool capable to download, upload, data, ect. It has spreaded out over the world as the high technology. It is important to be used in secondary education. It can be implicated to the students of learning language.

Case Study 2.4: Mobile Learning Inside and Outside of the Classroom in Turkey
Karin Tirasin is a secondary school teacher from Norway, who works at the private high school Saglik ve Egitim, in Izmir Turkey where she has been a teacher for ten years. She started a mobile project which shows a very innovative bring your own device approaches to using technology owned by learners in the classroom, with the learners making use of different of (mainly) smartphones. The students are divided into 3 groups of three with one phone per group. They used phone as a data collection tool, taking pictures, recording videos, documenting, taking special notice of any mistakes that had been made with translation. Then they create a webpage using Doodle Kit (, a free website builder. Use of mobile on the learning was successful, but there are some problems like old version of mobile that make difficulties in transferring data such as video and audio, the battery life (short life), time consuming in registering to the web 2.0 tool. But it will be going on well if the teacher can anticipate it. Fortunately, students are happy using smartphone in class activity. But, it also must have an approval of the principal or head master from school to get permission. It will give many benefits if we use technology for specific kind reasors.

Innovations in 
learning technologies for 
English language teaching
edited by Gary Motteram

Friday, 17 March 2017

Popular Methodology

Popular Methodology

A. Approaches, methods, procedures, and techniques
A1 – Audio-lingualism
In this model, the drill is heavily emphasized to form the students’ habit and constantly learning to banish mistakes
A2 – Presentation, Practice, and Production
The students are given situation contextualized the language to be taught. The students also practice the language using techniques, such as choral repetition, individual repetition, and cue-response drill. Then, the students are able to make their own sentence as production.

A3 – PPP and Alternatives to PPP
There are several models in PPP for training purposes as a teaching procedure for teachers to employ rather than to make a good teaching. And the achievement is not exact, but flexible.

A4 – The Communicative Approach
The Communicative Approach or Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a re-examination of what aspect of language to teach, but also a shift in emphasis in how to teach. It is used to make students are able to use language properly in variety contexts and purposes. Using this, the students should have a strong will and desire to communicate. Students also will get many realistic communications to k now the students’ achievement such as role play and simulation. So, it will improve the students’ skill and knowledge.

A5 – Task-based Learning
Students are given task, then after the task completed, teacher give correction and discuss the language which the students’ performance. It will make a good direct correction based on the task.
A6 – Four Methods
They are frequently described, together, as humanistic approaches because in three out of the four cases at least, the designers are primarily concerned to lower the students’ affective filter, and so remove a psychological barrier to learning.
Ø  Community Language Learning, students are gather in a circle and discuss something. The rule of teacher is as a counselor.
Ø  The Silent Way, teacher must be quiet or says as little as possible in the class, and the students must be active.
Ø  Suggestopaedia, the students must be made as comfort as possible in class, must be relax, to make students study happily.
Ø  Total Physical Response (TPR), students must do an action as a respond of every single command or language they hear.

A7 – Humanistic Teaching
Humanistic teaching has also found a greater acceptance at the level of procedures and activities, in which students are encouraged to make use of their own lives and feeling in the classroom. In this method, the activities are designed to make students feel happy and good. So, the students may learn easily.

A8 – The Lexical Approach
Students have to read a text and then underline the noun they can find and also the verb. It must follow the pedagogic principles and syllabus specifications.

B. What methodology?
B1 – Methods and culture
In teaching language should applied culture in linguistics. Our language reflects our attitude and behavior or culture in the way we communicate and teach. Like in class, students’ behavior describes their culture where they are from, active or not active, etc. Teaching and learning must be agreed in one way. Even the students and teachers come from the same country or cities, must be remembered that they may come from different culture. So, in teaching, teachers must pay attention of this.

B2 – Making Choices

It is not easy to make a decision what method and techniques used in teaching language because basically it depends on how language is learnt. Teachers should consider about the students culture, character, type, age, and level, not to mention the teachers background and beliefs. Yet certain conclusions can be drawn: Exposure to language; Input; CLT; The affective variable; Discovery; Grammar and lexis; Methodology and culture

Source: Buku The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third edition By Jeremy Harmer 

Thursday, 16 March 2017



Receptive skills are the ways in which people extract meaning from the discourse the see or hear.
A. How we read and listen
In this case the approaches process is comprehension as receptive skill.

A1 What we bring to the task
Students can understand the content of the task without knowing the language used on the task. The task should be adapted to the level we will give, like kind of task and what is the content of the task. It will make it easy to predict for the children.

A2 Reasons for reading and listening
Instrumental: it is used to make us achieve the clear aim
Pleasurable: it depends on the peoples’ interest.

A3 Top-down and bottom-up
In the top-down processing the reader or listener gets a general view of reading or listening passage by, in some way, absorbing the overall picture I bottom up processing the reader or listener focuses on individual words and phrases, and achieves understanding by stringing these detailed elements together to build up a whole.

A4 Different skills
Identifying the topic: the topic can be caught by the good reader and listener quickly and make the process more effective.
Predicting and guessing: the reader and listener can predict like vocabularies to understand.
Reading and listening for general understanding: the reader and listener can understand without worrying too much about details, like skimming.
Reading and listening for detailed information: it happened if there is an instruction or direction or description of scientific procedures.
Interpreting text: listener and reader can interpret literally in meaning using variety of clues.

B. Problems and solutions
B1 Language
Languages with longer sentences are more difficult than the shorter one. Words, also there are many unfamiliar words that difficult to understand. Readers and listener should read or listen again to get the clear meaning.
Pre-teaching vocabulary: it can be done through reading and listening text. Students can observe the words and predict the word.
Extensive reading and listening: it is done when the reader or listener are on their own. Like when they are reading in their level will give benefit for them. It will improve their skill automatically.
Authenticity: when readers and listeners miss the quite words, they are still able to catch the general meaning authentically.

B2 Topic and genre
Sometimes the receptive activities are not successful because the topics are unfamiliar with the students. It will decrease the students’ interest on the topic.
Choose the right topics: choose the variety of topics that student interest in. it can be found by questionnaires, interview, or student reaction in doing activities. And should be remembered that students interest are different each other.
Create interest:  it can be done by talking many activities like ask students to predict something, sport they interest, and pictures they interest.
Activate schemata: it can be done by giving students task and interesting activities that can activate their interest.
Vary topics and genres: it should be suited with the students needs and interest.

B3 Comprehension tasks
The task should be comprehensive task, not testing task. It will improve the students’ receptive skill and the students’ comprehension.
Testing and teaching: The best task is those which raise the students’ expectations and help them. The comprehension items help students to understand something rather than challenge the students. But it depends on the conditions in which the students are asked to perform that task.
Appropriate challenge: the task should not be easy or difficult, but should be suited with the students’ level to achieve the right purposes. So, the tasks should be achievable depends on the students’ level.

B4 Negative expectations
Students do not have high expectations of reading and listening because they feel that it is to difficult to understand the passage and listening task. So, they feel that it is frustrating. How to change negative expectation into realistic optimism?
Manufacturing success: give the students challenge suit with their level and give the clear purpose in achieving the successful by ensuring them. Learn from past negative experiences to create ideal conditions in the future.
Agreeing on a purpose: give an agreement the purposes will be achieve on this learning, for understanding or discovering information, or what? If it is done, the students will be easy to choose how they can achieve the purposes by doing approache


A. Extensive and intensive listening
Listening can also improve the students’ pronunciation if listening can be a good habit.
A1 Extensive listening
It can improve the students’ skill if it is suited with the students’ interest or pleasure and give great effect to the students. It is done outside the classroom. It is provided in tape and it also should be suited with the level of students.

A2 Intensive listening: using taped material
Advantages: it allows students to listen variety of variety voices provided by the teacher. They also will have many different situations in talking like dialogue, etc. it is portable, cheap, and readily available.
Disadvantages: it is not proper to be done in a big classroom with poor acoustics and audibility of taped. It is difficult to be heard by all students. The students are as listeners to the tape. They cannot interact with the tape and cannot see the speaker directly. It is also not a natural occupation.
If we want to use tape or disk as media, we have to check that the machine and sound in class are well. It also considers how may times we will play the tape in class because it is different when students are talking face to face to the real speaker. They can do clarification and repetition.

A3 Intensive listening: ‘live’ listening
It has obvious advantages because students can interrupt and clarify the speaker directly. Students also can see who are they are listening to, and the speaker sad students also can see their expressions.
Reading aloud: it is interesting because the students can hear loudly and clearly. It is enjoyable for them, moreover, if the teacher can act out dialogues by inviting a colleague into the classroom.
Story telling: it gives an excellent material to the students. They also can be asked to predict what happened next and be asked the character of the story.
Interviews: it is good activity for the students because they can really listen and answer by themselves. If possible, it also can invite strangers to do interview in classroom.
Conversation: it is also interesting if we can invite the colleague to come to the class to have conversation. It will give chance to the students to watch and listen interaction directly. It also can be done in story telling or role playing.

A4 Intensive listening: the roles of the teacher
In this case, we have to build the students’ confidence by helping the, listen better rather than their listening abilities.

Organizer: give the clear purposes and instruction to achieve the purposes. It can be done by giving achievable and comprehensible task.
Machine operator: if we use tape, we have to use it efficiently. We have to prepare and set it up well before entering the classroom to avoid wasting time.
Feedback organizer: it is important to give feedback after students finish doing the task. It can be done by comparing their answer in pairs, sharing knowledge or sharing responsibility. It is important to counter negative expectation and to motivate them.
Prompter: after finishing do listening comprehension, we can do script dictations to uplift their awareness of certain language.

B. Listening lesson sequences
Listening can occurs in a number of points in teaching, like prologue before teaching, and others. It can be a way of refocusing the students’ attention. Listening sequences sometimes involve a mixture of language skill.
B1 Examples of listening sequences
Example 1 : Interviewing a stranger
Activity : live listening
Skills : predicting, listening for specific information, listening for detailed information.
Age : any
Level : beginner and above

The students will interest in guess, can guess who the visitor is, and what level they will use. Students can do interview and clarify what the visitor has been said if it is not clear yet. After finish they can write a short biography of the visitor. They can do similar interview in role play activity.
Example 2 : Sorry I am late
Activity : getting events in the right order
Skills : predicting, listening for gist
Age : young adult and above
Level : lower intermediate

Example 3 : Telephone messages
Activity : taking messages
Skills : predicting, listening for specific information
Age : teenager
Level : elementary

Example 4 : UFO
Activity : jigsaw listening
Skills : listening for detailed information
Age : adult
Level : upper intermediate

Example 5 : We had a nice time, but.
Activity : analyzing conversations
Skills : predicting, listening for detailed information, listening for text construction
Age : young adult and above
Level : intermediate

Example 6 : At the post office
Activity : analyzing language exchanges :
Age : adult
Level : upper intermediate/advanced

C. The sound of music
Music is powerful stimulus for students engagement precisely because it speaks directly to our emotions while still allowing us to use our brains to analyze it and its effects if we so wish. It can entertain and give different atmosphere in class. They can listen, write, describe, discuss about the music.

Example 7 : Ironic
Activity : understanding song lyrics
Skills : listening, reading for general and detailed comprehension
Age : young adult and above
Level : intermediate

It is very useful to use song lyrics as text to work. Music must be popular and consider the students like. Students can bring their favorite song or use another older song. Before doing this activity, teacher should learn about the music first to know the lyrics and meaning of the music. Teacher should help the students to explain and give information about lyrics that students do not know. Teacher also can give blanked out song lyrics and ask the students to fill it out with the words that have been listed.

Source: Buku The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third edition By Jeremy Harmer 

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Manfaat Kuliah

Manfaat Kuliah

Mungkin sebagian besar lulusan SMK/SMA/MA sederajat bingung ketika pengumuman lulusan berakhir. Harus kuliah atau kerja? Banyak orang tua yang menyarankan anaknya agar kuliah, tapi juga tidak sedikit yang menyarankan anaknya untuk bekerja, alasannya sih biar cepet dapat penghasilan. Namun, apakah penghasilannya dapat menjamin masa depannya? Tentu ini yang menjadi dilema bagi kebanyakan siswa. Alangkah baiknya selepas sekolah lanjut ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, yaitu kuliah. Kenapa si harus kuliah? 
Berikut beberapa manfaat kuliah:

1. Menambah wawasan
 Ya...ketika kuliah, tentu wawasan akan semkain luas dan bertambah. Ko bisa? karena ketika kuliah kita akan banyak bertemu dengan orang-orang hebat dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Kita bisa berbagi ilmu, pengalaman, wawasan, budaya, dan lain sebagainya.  Bukan hanya itu, kuliah juga biasanya menuntut kita untuk banyak membaca informasi, entah dari buku atau media elektronik dan cetak. Ini tentunya akan menambah wawasan kita untuk lebih jauh mengetahui tentang dunia luar.

2. Menambah Relasi
Ini yang menjadi modal besar dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, yaitu relasi dengan orang lain. Dengan banyaknya orang-orang dari luar daerah tentu ini menjadi peluang besar untuk menambah teman dan relasi sebanyak-banyaknya. Kita bisa berbagi ilmu dan menjalin kerja sama baik dengan mereka. Tentunya  ini akan berdampak positif dalam kehidupan kita sebagai makhluk sosial.

3. Mengubah pola pikir
Betul sekali, pola pikir kita akan berubah. Kuliah mengajarkan kita untuk selalu berfikir dan mengetahui hal-hal baru. Biasanya sih awalnya kuliah untuk mencari pekerjaan yang layak, ingin banyak uang, sukses, dll. Namun ketika sudah mengetahui arti sesungguhnya, maka itu mungkin akan menjadi prioritas yang ke sekian. Tentunya prioritas utama adalah untuk mencari makna kehidupan yang sesungguhnya, yaitu kebermanfaatan diri kita untuk orang lain. Kita bisa mengamalkan ilmu kita, bisa berbagi dengan orang yang belum dst. Karena sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain, Tentu ini akan memberikan kepuasan tersendiri ketimbang harta, pangkat, dan sebagainya. Nilai kehidupan untuk saling berbagi manfaat akan lebih mengena dan akan lebih dibutuhkan oleh orang-orang di sekitar kita.

4. Menjamin masa depan
Ya, karena ketika kita menjadi orang yang akademisi dengan ilmu yang mumpuni, kita akan lebih  mudah untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Tentunya sesuai dengan porsi kita, sesuai dengan usaha kita, dan keseriusan kita. Karena berbekal ijazah yang tinggi yang akan memberikan kita nilai plus yang dapat dipertimbangkan oleh perusahaan.

5. Berfikir kritis
Ini yang menjadi hal penting yang harus dimiliki orang seorang mahasiswa, atau lebih tepatnya kaum muda. Dimana, kaum muda harus bisa membaca kondisi sekitar, mengamati, menganalisa, dan menentukan langkah untuk menemukan solusi dari suatu permasalahan. Karena sejatinya berfikir kritis menjadi modal yang baik untuk menjadi agen perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Dengan banyaknya permasalahan, diharapkan mahasiswa sebagai kaum muda bisa memberikan solusi yang baik dan tentunya memberi manfaat.

6. Menambah Kepercayaan Diri
Dengan kuliah, banyak pengalaman, ilmu, wawasan dan hal-hal baru yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas kita sebagai kaum muda. Kita juga akan dilatih untuk menjadi orang yang bisa mengemukakan pendapat dan sebagainya. Ini akan menjadi bekal yang baik untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.

Itulah beberapa manfaat kuliah. Tentunya masih banyak lagi manfaat-manfaat lain yang bisa diperoleh ketika kuliah. Jadi, tidak usah bingung lagi. Mantapkan hari untuk kuliah dan jadilah agen perubahan kearah yang lebih baik. Di mana ada kemauan, di situ banyak jalan. Amin

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